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Cladiella pachyclados

Leather Coral, Colt Coral, Blushing Coral

Jenn Yee Chan (2013)



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Some colonies of the Cladiella are very similar in shapes and sizes to the Alcyonium and Sinularia (Fabricius & Alderslade 2001). Therefore, in order to positively confirm the genus of these corals, an examination of the sclerites was carried out.

Project 3:

Sclerites observation to clearly identify the genus of the selected soft coral.

Hypothesis: The sclerites should be dumbbell shaped or roughended double-heads as the soft coral was hypothesized to be Cladiella species.


  1. A small fraction of the coral is acquired and placed in a plate.
  2. Few drops of bleach is added into the fraction and left for 5 minutes.
  3. The fraction is then grinded into little pieces and the smashed pieces are placed onto a microscope slide using a pipette.
  4. Observations are made using the microscope.


As shown in the picture below, the sclerites found under the microscope are very minute and roughended dumbbell shaped. The quantity of sclerites discovered is not very significant.


The discovery of great amount of roughended dumbbell shaped sclerites reveal that the soft coral selected is indeed a Cladiella species (Fabricius& Alderslade 2001). The insignificant quantity suggests that further grinding of the fraction may be required in order to extract more sclerites.

